Summer 2005

MATH 1150, Section 400, Precalculus Mathematics
7:30 – 8:35 AM, MTWRF, ECCR 137, 4 credits


Instructor 1: Dana Ernst
Office: Math 214
Office Hours: MTWR 8:45-10:00 AM (or by appointment)

Instructor 2: Nicandro Flores
Office: Math 364
Office Hours: MTWR 8:45-10:00 AM (or by appointment)


Prerequisites: Students are expected to be familiar with basic algebra concepts, and to have already mastered basic algebra skills.  One and a half years of high school algebra is a prerequisite for the course.
Purpose and Description:
The primary objective of this course is to aid students in becoming confident and competent in solving problems that require techniques developed in Precalculus. MATH 1150 is intended to prepare students for a first semester calculus course, such as MATH 1300, MATH 1310, or APPM 1350.  Students will have a working understanding of algebraic, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions.  Also, the purpose of any mathematics class is to challenge and train the mind.  Learning mathematics enhances critical thinking and problem solving skills.
Text: Fundamentals of Precalculus, 1st edition, Dugopolski.
Structure of Course: The class meets 5 days a week for the next 10 weeks.  Dana will be the instructor for the first 5 weeks, and Nic will be the instructor for the last 5 weeks.  We will cover chapters 1 through 4 of the textbook.  There will be an exam at the end of each chapter and then a cumulative final exam at the end of the 10 weeks.  Typically, we will cover 1 section from the book each day.  Homework for each section will usually be due the class session after it is taught. 
Attendance: Regular attendance is expected and is vital to success in this class.
Homework:  Homework will be assigned daily and collected at the beginning of class on the day it is due. You are allowed and encouraged to work together on homework.  However, each student is expected to turn in their own work, unless otherwise instructed.  Late homework will not be accepted without prior approval from one of the instructors.  At least 5 of your lowest homework scores will be dropped at the end of the semester.
Exams: There will be four midterm exams and a cumulative final exam.  Make-ups for these exams will not be allowed, unless you have received prior approval.  In general, don’t expect any make-ups.  Exam dates will be announced at least a week in advance.  You will not be permitted to use calculators on any of the exams.
Special Services: Students with disability are encouraged to contact the Office of Special Services to arrange for accommodations and support services.
Other Comments: Turn off your cell phones!!!  If you must be late for class, please try not to disrupt class.


Basis for evaluation:
1. 4 Midterm Exams 100 points each (Total of 400 points)
2. Homework 10 points each (Total of approximately 300 points)
4. Final Exam 200 points

Grade Determination
:  To determine your percent grade, divide your total points by all possible points and then multiply by 100.  Grades may be “massaged” at the end of the semester, but in general, this is what you should expect.
93 -100% A
73 – 76% C
90 – 92% A-
70 – 72% C-
87 – 89% B+
67 – 69% D+
83 – 86% B
63 – 66% D
80 – 82% B-
60 – 62% D-
77 – 79% C+
0 – 59% F


Deadline to drop course without instructor’s signature
Midterm Exam #1
Deadline to drop course without petitioning dean
Midterm Exam #2
Midterm Exam #3
Midterm Exam #4
Final Exam


When does the learning happen?  It might happen in class, but most likely it happens when you sit down to do your homework.  Most of you can follow what I do on the board, but the question is, can you do it on your own?  To learn best, you must struggle with mathematics on your own.  It is supposed to be difficult (if its not difficult for you, then I will gladly find things to challenge you).  However, if you are struggling too much, then there are resources for you.  I am always happy to help you.  I want to help you.  If my office hours don’t work for you, then we can probably find another time to meet.  You can also get help from each other.  Get a study buddy!  Help each other learn. If you are having difficulty, then get some help.  It is your responsibility to be aware of how well you understand the material.  There are many resources available to you; use them!