
When doing your homework, I encourage you to use the Elements of Style of Proofs as a reference.

Daily Homework

The following assignments are to be turned in at the end of the indicated class period. I reserve the right to modify the assignment if the need arises. These exercises will form the basis of the student-led presentations each day. Daily assignments will be graded on a $\checkmark$-system. Exercises marked with * are eligible for the formal Weekly Write-ups.

Note: On each Daily Homework, please write (i) your name, (ii) name of course, and (iii) Daily Homework number.

Weekly Write-ups

In addition to the Daily Homework, you will also be required to submit two formally written proofs each week. By 5PM on Tuesday of week $n$, you should submit the proofs of any two theorems that were turned in for Daily Homework during week $n-1$. Beginning with the second Weekly Write-up, you will be required to type your submission. You can either email me your Weekly Write-up as a PDF file, share them with me via PSU Google Docs, or submit a hard copy in person.

Note: On each Weekly Write-up, please write (i) your name, (ii) name of course, and (iii) Weekly Write-up number. You should type your Weekly Write-ups using $\LaTeX$, MS Word, OpenOffice/LibreOffice, or Google Docs. If you plan to email me your file, then you should send me a PDF (if you need help with this, please let me know). Furthermore, you should name your file using the following convention:


where you replace "X" with the assignment number and replace "Last-Name" with your actual last name. Please don't put any spaces in your file name.

LaTeX Template for Homework

You can find a $\LaTeX$ template for typing up your homework in my public ScribTeX folder. In this directory you will also find a help file for using $\LaTeX$ with ScribTeX. You can download the entire directory and then if you are using ScribTeX, you can upload the files you are interested in using. Alternatively, you can copy the content of the file and paste it into a new tex file.

For a rough overview of some of the basics of $\LaTeX$, you might find the Quick LaTeX Guide useful.